How can tech be used to solve problems?

Technology is a really important thing, well to teenagers. Teenagers use technology for social media; watching movies; talking to friends and many other things. But it’s sometimes used for bad things like streaming movies which is illegal; create a internet war and many other things. But technology is also used to solve many things.  For example blogging; instead of streaming movies you could write about your life or any subject and you could now interact with other people in the world.

It will help you very much because you can learn new things. Another example could be video creation. It’s helpful because you can create videos that maybe educational and help many students in the world. Like I said first in blogging; it also helps you interact with people. For example share ideas and also help each other out. Moreover, you can also use Digital Citizenship. Why is that so? Well it’s really educational and it could help many teachers to teach students no to copy and paste or not to stream movies are else you will get in jail.

Furthermore, there is also research and citation. It’s helpful because sometimes when you research a topic for school, you can sometimes have false information which can sometimes make you have  a bad grade so then you can cite your site to see if this site is a good one and you could also have a better grade. To conclude technology is really important.

3 Comments on How can tech be used to solve problems?

  1. 20amaef
    February 29 at 9:40 am (8 years ago)

    I like how you thoroughly described your points, nice article 🙂

  2. Omkar Ekbote
    October 15 at 6:20 am (8 years ago)

    Why do you feel that technology is mainly important for teens? Everyday, more and more jobs are involving computers. Also, you said that we can interact online instead of streaming movies (which as you stated, is illegal). However, what is stopping these online interactions from being just as illegal or even more illegal than movie streaming?

    • johannaisd20
      October 21 at 1:46 pm (8 years ago)

      Well, in this generation so many teens uses social media such as Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter. By using social media they get to interact with people around them are far way. Teen also get to share their interests or talents with teens around them. Is it possible you can explain me your second question, it’s a bit unclear. Thank you for commenting!


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